
How to Accomplish Your Dreams in the New Year


A new year is around the corner, which means goals, resolutions, and reflection are going to start taking over social media, dinner parties, office conversations, and the internet.

That’s not a bad thing. It’s always awesome to see people wanting to enhance and improve their lives. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be happy.

How can you accomplish your dreams in the new year?

First things first, you have to create goals, resolutions, dreams, or whatever you want to call them. While resolutions now have a bad reputation (and apparently don’t work), the word itself isn’t what matters. What matters is your plan of attack, process, and habits.

You can attach any word you would like, but if you have a great plan in place, your bad habits will morph into good habits, and you will achieve your goals, resolutions, dreams, etc.

Here are some tips that will help you accomplish your dreams in the new year.

Remember that simpler is better

While it’s a great goal to make $1 million in the new year, if you have consistently made under $100,000 over the years, then focusing on a number like 1 million is going to drive you insane. You’ll also get discouraged when you inevitably don’t achieve this goal.

Simpler is better because it allows you to focus on achievable (yet challenging) goals.

As an example, if your company wants to purchase boats for sale in Green Brook, NJ, to expand product line, focus on how much each individual boat is first. Take it one boat at a time. Looking at the big picture might be exciting, but you don’t want your yearly goals to overwhelm you.

Focus on one big thing

Your one big thing could be opening your dream liquor store in Woodbridge, NJ, or becoming a full-time freelance marketer all over the globe.

While, yes, simpler is better, it’s a good practice to have one big thing you want to achieve and smaller goals supplementing it. These smaller goals and steps can be looked at as milestones and what you should zone in on. Over time, you will check them off and get closer to your one big goal.

For example, your one big thing is getting in better shape. Your milestones will be losing X amount of pounds or inches (depending on what metric you use), increasing your max for X lift, or decreasing your time for X amount of miles in X workout. These milestones will get you closer to that one big goal.

Have a deadline but enjoy the process

Deadlines can become overwhelming and cause stress. If you focus on them all the time and only worry about the result.

It’s important to attach deadlines to your goals so you know how much progress you should be making, but the key thing is to monitor and enjoy the process. Your process is the actual act of implementing good habits and a schedule you created. Following the process, while not being fixated on the end goal/deadline, will lead to you hitting your deadline.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

You don’t have to hustle 24/7 or even post your goals on social media for everyone to see. You also shouldn’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up with a cheat meal or a shopping spree at your favorite store.

The key is making a realistic plan in the beginning. Going to the gym seven days a week might sound like the ideal way to get in the best shape of your life, but one missed day could lead to six more after that. Create something you can stick to and want to stick to. This is your life and you should live it the way you want to. By doing so, you will be less hard on yourself

Take a break when you need it

You might feel like a machine at times, but you aren’t. Constantly working can lead to burnout.

It’s OK to take breaks and have downtime. It’s important to refresh your brain and enjoy life outside of work.

People who watch TV aren’t bad people, despite the fact that it gets a bad connotation. In fact, watching TV can be good for you. So can getting away from your computer and phone, going on a walk, or reading a book. We all need breaks and downtime installed into our days.

With a new year almost here, people are bound to get excited about their resolutions and goals, and that’s OK. Implement the strategies above to help you conquer your dreams in the new year.

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