
Benefits Of Using a Suppressor on Air Guns


Air guns and pellet guns are the same but the types of ammunition used in them are different. While lead bullets of various sizes are used in Pellet guns, small plastic bullets are used in air guns. Noise Suppression For Your Pellet Gun is a common application used for air rifles.

Lead bullets are lethal but plastic bullets can wound if shot with air pressure. Although less harmless the bullet could be damaging if shot at extreme speed.  The noise made while firing these guns is deafening so most of the time a silencer is preferred. The suppression is also beneficial in terms of effective hunting that also includes:

  • Reduction in noise: A loud noise could not just prevent the animals from remaining in the area but also causes irritation to the ear, prolonged use can result in hearing loss. Therefore for safety if you shoot a rifle often a silencer would be able to protect your hearing.
  • Fewer Disturbances: The noise from your air gun can be very disruptive to people around you. Your neighbors might even complain while you are busy target shooting in your yard. Not everybody wants to be involved in your activity.
  • Accuracy:  When you fire the rifle you can feel the recoil that is quite common in every air rifle. With increased noise, even the recoil makes it difficult for you to hit multiple shots every time. Adding a Noise Suppression For Your Pellet Gun helps the pressure drop to significantly and shoot accurately.
  • Quieter: You need to remember that the air rifles even with silencer are not noise-free but quieter. There will always be some noise when the rifle is fired. However, you have an option of choosing from an array of air rifle silencers that can be quieter by one quarter to three quarters or a little quieter for a better experience.

 The silencer can be fitted to the gun easily. While DIY silencers need just a tape to secure them it’s important to ensure it’s firmly in place. The best way is to fasten them with the help of silence screws on the end of the barrel of the gun.  A typical silencer’s volume is 20 to 30 times bigger than the barrel. This enables the pressurized gas that forces the bullet has more space to expand reducing the sound. Technically space causes the pressure of the hot gas to drop significantly reducing noise.

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