
The 5 Most Useful Copywriting Tips for Startups


Engaging copywriting can grab attention, encourage action, and convert sales. Because of these reasons, an effective copy should be a crucial element that is evident in your webpages, social media posts, email campaigns, and other online and traditional marketing materials.

Unfortunately, many startups do not understand and appreciate the importance of effective copywriting. As a result, these companies fail to properly express the significance of their brand and the product or service that they offer.

When the target market fails to understand what the company offers, the former may regard the latter as insignificant, with nothing good or noteworthy to provide them. This incorrect perception can cause the startup to fail without even getting the chance to break into the market.

How to Create Copy That Works for Your Startup

If you are launching a startup, writing exceptional copy may be the furthest thing from your mind. You will be busy with other processes and jobs and, as such, won’t have enough time to create copy that sells.

Additionally, even if you have the time to write some content, you may end up creating ones that only you, your team, and a select few will understand. Because of this, your copy won’t give you the results you are expecting.

Creating content that works for and not against your budding startup is possible. This could mean that you’ll be taking on this job yourself, and in such a case, you have to follow the right steps.

Here, a reputable provider of copywriting services in Dubai shares five tips for writing copy that your startup will benefit from:

  1. Know who you are talking to.

No matter how innovative or groundbreaking your product or service is, you won’t draw anyone’s attention if you don’t speak their language.

If you want to write effective copy, start by knowing your target audience first. This means having a good picture of who they are: their age, profession, location, and other key demographic information.

You have to know their interests, buying motivation, spending habits, the usual problems they experience, the language they use, and other information that can help you personalize your copy.

Keep in mind that the most powerful pieces of copywriting content are those that sound like you are having a conversation with your target audience. This helps you build a deeper relationship and connect with the reader.

You can only write relatable copy that resonates with your target market when you know who they are and consider their profile in creating your marketing and advertising content.

  1. Focus on showing how your startup can solve your audience’s problems.

If you want more people to be interested in your brand and help move them to the next stages in the sales funnel, you have to let them know how you can help them solve a particular problem.

This means highlighting the benefits your product or service offers. You have to clearly explain why your offering is the answer to a problem that keeps the reader up at night.

Be as specific as you can with this. Provide examples or real-life experiences where your product or service has been proven handy and valuable.

  1. Work logic and emotion into your copy.

Copy that has both logical and emotional elements proves successful among consumers.

Emotions drive customers to purchase a product. Facts from statistics and research help strengthen your copy’s credibility. When these two work together, you can expect your content to give you the results you are looking for.

Storytelling is a writing technique that can help you combine both elements effectively to come up with engaging copy. Moreover, most people find it easier to understand and relate to this type of content.

In addition, your target audience becomes more likely to remember stories, thereby building faster brand recall in your potential customers.

  1. Grab your reader’s attention and keep it.

Headlines and sub-headlines are your most important tools in getting and keeping your readers’ attention. As such, you have to know how to write headlines properly.

The headline of your copy should speak directly to the pain point of your target customer. To immediately catch the attention of the reader, it has to be a bold statement — one that will be impossible to pass or ignore.

To come up with a sub-headline or first paragraph that keeps the attention of the readers, write it in a way that it is relevant or that supports the headline. You can also add a bit more information about what you are offering.

However, keep the sub-headline short. Do not cram too many details in it since you may end up turning off the reader.

  1. Know when you need help.

Finally, as the owner of the startup, you are still the best person to write your copy since you know your company and your product or service inside and out.

However, knowing and understanding your target audience, doing additional research, and creating a story for your copy can be time-consuming. If you are not confident with your writing skills, you may end up with sub-par content.

If you don’t have the time to do the additional work and to polish your writing skills, find a copywriter who can help you with creating the perfect copy. Copywriting companies have several writers that have mastered this form of writing and can craft content that will help your startup in various ways.

With the right strategies and tips, your copy can enable your startup to stand out and achieve recognition. It will pave the path to its future success, as well.


Stuart Harris is the Creative Director at Yellow, a Dubai branding agency, digital partner and advertising company working with progressive businesses to build bold, meaningful brands.


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