
5 Tips for Teaching Children with Autism


Teaching children with autism takes more than a calling. It requires patience, dedication, and love. As a teacher or parent, equip yourself with different teaching methods to help such children learn. While autism is considered a disability, employing various teaching tactics can make learning easier and friendlier for these students. 

Here are a few tips for both parents and teachers that will help you better understand autistic students and make learning easier and fun. 

  1.  Have a structured environment

For children suffering from Autistic Spectrum Deficiency, having a structured life is vital. A predictable schedule helps the children feel more comfortable and calmer. Whether at home or at school, it is essential to have structured lessons and activities. This makes the learning process easier, and the environment more productive for the child.  

  1.  Communicate

To teach, you have to communicate. Most autistic children find verbal communication difficult. It’s advisable to identify communication challenges among children and find favorable alternatives. 

For children who can’t talk, sign language is sufficient. You can also use facilitated communication to enhance learning by using applications and images. 

  1.  Images and visual aids

Images are an essential teaching aid especially for children with ASD. Most children find using images and other visual aids much easier compared to verbal communication. Photographs, line drawings, and stickers are very helpful in getting points across. They also help children learn to express themselves.

Children with ASD also find it much easier to absorb information from videos tutorials. These tools should be part and parcel of the teaching process. They play a vital role in assisting in establishing communication. 

  1.  Keep instruction basic

All students, in particular those with ASD find it difficult to follow instructions. To allow the students follow instructions easily, break them down into steps and only give them one or two steps at a time. 

Use short, simple and precise sentences when giving out instructions. Remember, allow enough time when giving directions. Always allocate enough time for responses and questions from the children.

  1.  Positive reinforcement 

Like every other student, children with autism need a little pushing once in a while. It’s paramount to do it a positive and careful manner. When pointing out areas of weaknesses or highlighting negative comments, it is essential to have positive feedback at the beginning and at the end. This offsets the negative feedback and makes the process of correction easier and more effective. 

Slight changes like not using red pens when grading are essential. Children with ASD usually associate red color with negativity and failure. Instead, use green or black pens to grade and give comments. 

When teaching children with autism, it is essential to prevent a meltdown. With these tips and so much more, you can create a friendly and comfortable environment for the children. Need help? Contact Skills Global, the leading provider of solutions for behavioral health. 

Katrina Manning
Katrina Manning is a passionate content writer – who likes to write on trending topics related to business industries.

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